Serena Bliss

Interests: Psychology, Stress Management, Mindfulness, Personal Development

Serena Bliss is a licensed psychologist with a focus on stress management and mindfulness. She combines her knowledge of psychology with meditation practices to help individuals find balance in their lives.

Articles By This Author

Transcendental Meditation Mantras: The Power of Sound and Vibration
Meditation Techniques Meditation Music and Sounds

Transcendental Meditation Mantras: The Power of Sound and Vibration

Dive into the fascinating world of Transcendental Meditation mantras in our latest blog post. Learn about the unique power of sound and vibration in meditation, backed by scientific research. We guide you on choosing your mantra and offer practical tips for effective practice. Immerse yourself in this enriching journey to a zenful state.

20-Minute Meditation Routines for Beginners
Meditation Techniques Meditation Duration

20-Minute Meditation Routines for Beginners

Unearth the benefits of a 20-minute meditation routine with our beginner-friendly guide. Explore the significance of meditation, understand what to expect, and learn how to prepare. Our step-by-step guide, coupled with useful tips and recommended tools, will help you navigate the initial challenges and enhance your meditation experience. Start your journey towards a zenful state today.

How to Create a Tranquil Meditation Garden at Home
Meditation Spaces

How to Create a Tranquil Meditation Garden at Home

Explore the art of crafting a serene meditation garden at home in our latest blog post. Learn about its essence, design elements, and essential features. Get step-by-step DIY guides, inspiring ideas, practical tips, and ways to expand your zen space.